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Does God Love Everybody?

Does God Love Everybody?

This is a question that has plagued some for centuries, Millenium in fact. Both Jews and Christians have wondered if the God of all heaven and earth could really love them. The truth is that He loves you more than you could ever know.

God Is Love

The reason why so many doubt that sincere love of God is that they have never really read the Bible before. They hear the words of others, often those who do not really know anything about God or the Bible themselves, and believe what that person says.

God declares that He loves you. Most of us have heard or read John 3:16 before. Maybe you have seen it on a sign at a football game, but this is where God declares that He loves the world so much that He gave His only Son that it could be saved. That is not just the world that He loves but each individual person.

You may have never thought about this before, but God loves you so much that He gave His Son so that you could be saved. If He had to just to die to save just you, He would have done so. That is how much He loves you.

That is also the very nature of God Himself. The Bible tells us that God is love in 1 John 4:8. He is pure love and this is why he would be willing to suffer a horrible death to save you. He is love and He wants to share His love with you.

Why Does So Much Bad Occur?

Why people doubt the love of God is that they see so much misery going on and they simply cannot see how God could be about love when He allows all this pain and suffering to go on. If you are grappling with this yourself, you are not the first person to do so.

Without trying to dive too deeply into this discussion, it is important to understand that a lot of terrible things happen because of choices we make. We do bad things to harm others. These bad things can be very hurtful, maybe even deadly, but that does not mean that God has not stopped loving us.

Think of it this way for a moment. If you are a parent, your kids have likely done things that you thought were wrong. You may have taught them to do the right thing, but they simply did not listen. Did you jump in to save the day every time they did something wrong? No, this was their opportunity to learn, and this is what God does for us. He allows us to learn from our mistakes and to grow as people.

Consider this. A caterpillar goes into a cocoon and comes out as a beautiful butterfly. It must work to get out of that cocoon. It will not fully emerge as a butterfly, ready to sore if it does not battle on its own from out of the cocoon. In fact, if you cut up the cocoon to help it to get out, the butterfly would be disfigured and would not survive for long. It needs the struggle to be stronger.

You need that as well. Everyone needs that, and God loves you and everyone else so much that He wants to see you grow and become stronger through the struggle.

How Could God Love Me?

Another challenge that people have with the belief that God could love them is that they figure that they are unlovable. They usually form this opinion for one of two reasons: they have done something really terrible or their own parents or spouse did not show them love. How could God love them then?

It is a very good question and, sadly, one that many ask. The first thing to keep in mind is that only one person ever walked the earth and did not commit a sin and that was Jesus. Many who God loved and used to change the world were terrible people at one point. Paul, Moses, and David were all murderers, yet God loved them and did amazing things with them. He loves you can do amazing things with you no matter what you have done.

It is sad that some have not been loved by their parents or spouse. The very people who should love you the most can sometimes be the most unfeeling. This is makes it hard to see a loving father when their own father showed them no love.

If you think like this, keep one thing in mind. Your earthly parent is not love – God is. They are imperfect and sinful, while God is perfect and full of love. He loves you no matter what. No matter what anyone may say about you, God thinks you are great and he loves you very much. That is not only a message he wants you to know, but on that he wants you to share with everyone else as well.